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Month: April 2014

Progress and Updates: A Test of Honor

A lot of announcements in this post, so here goes:

First, if you haven’t yet signed up for the email newsletter, do it now. Anyone who signs up for the newsletter before A Test of Honor is released will get the book free. Plus, there’s some amazing stuff on the horizon for subscribers, including more free books (and not just mine!) as well as exclusive serials and, of course, being the first ones to know about current developments. For example, I handed the book manuscript in its entirety to a freelance editor who specializes in Science Fiction/Fantasy last Thursday. Didn’t know that? If you were part of the mailing list, you would!

Milestones and Progress

Milestones were originally used by the Roman Empire to mark distance along their many roads. This helped people know how quickly they were traveling, and also how far they had to go. I think this is why I prefer thinking of accomplishments as milestones rather than goals. Goals imply that you’ve arrived, that you’re finished; milestones tell you that you’ve simply reached an important place on your journey.

Just recently, I completed a milestone that I began working toward at the beginning of the year. I finished writing the rough draft of A Test of Honor – eighteen chapters, 94,263 words, three months’ worth of focused creativity. And it feels amazing.